Airfield Safeguarding & Development
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Helping Airfields Develop Safely
HM Government and the CAA recommend that all airfield operators prepare a  safeguarding map in order to help protect their operations. A safeguarding map is a  way for Local Planning Authorities to filter out planning applications without having  to refer them ALL to the airfield operator. ASD has brought safeguarding maps up-  to-date - no longer the large, unwieldy printed versions. Using modern technology  ASD does all the necessary analysis and then provides files loadable directly into  Google Earth® and GIS. This approach reduces the cost significantly without  compromising the accuracy. In order to model the safeguarded surfaces, full  airfield data will be required from the operator.  The CAA-recommended format is given in CAP 738 and maps prepared by ASD meet or exceed all the  CAA requirements. They show all the licensed runways and strips with their approach and takeoff  surfaces, horizontal and conical and outer horizontal surfaces (physical safeguarding), and take into  account navigation aids (technical safeguarding) and other limiting surfaces.  ASD’s maps show colour-coded contours showing the maximum height (AGL) to which building may take  place without reference to the airport. This allows a more precise assessment than with the older grid  square format.   Contact ASD to discuss your requirements.
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