Airfield Safeguarding & Development
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Helping Airfields Develop Safely
ASD offers a variety of safeguarding services to help airport operators. These include checking planning applications and potential obstacles such as wind turbines, and advice on airfield developments. We also prepare safeguarding maps for large and small airfields. Safeguarding is an important part of ensuring the safety of  flying operations, including future developments. With  increasing pressure to develop land around airfields, it is  vital to establish a system for determining what is safe and  what is not.  The checking procedure will be examined by  your CAA auditors and creates an irregular workload.  The  process of checking a planned obstacle or development  against all the obstacle limitation surfaces and other planes is labour-intensive, and requires accuracy.  Specialist software is available, but it is expensive and requires training to use. The cost-effective alternative to doing it yourself is to let ASD help you, using our wide aviation experience and specialist software. This software was conceived, then developed over a number of years, for the sole purpose of aifield safeguarding. It was originally in a military version for MOD, and later in a civil version  which is CAP 168 and ICAO Annex 14 compliant. With our wide aviation experience, we look at safeguarding from an aviation perspective. 
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