Do you need advice on the safeguarding aspects of developments around airports? Using our services early in the planning process can help ensure that structures are designed to be clear of safeguarded planes and surfaces.For example, where sites may be safeguarding-critical, a matrix of maximum build heights loaded into CAD enables architects to plan safely within a limiting envelope. Then there are the other aspects of safeguarding that need to be considered - navigation aids, bird-attraction, lighting, use of cranes and plant. Consideration of all these things in advance will greatly improve the chances of the development being accepted by the LPA and airport.Major high-profile projects over recent years include safeguarding advice and detailed obstacle limitation surface assessments for large developments near London City, London Heathrow, and other airports. Advice has also been given on a number of wind turbine developments. More details may be seen on the projects page. LOCAL PLANNING AUTHORITIESSometimes it may be necessary for an LPA to seek independent advice when dealing with the apparently conflctingrequirements of airport and developer. ASD may be able to help.